Hi every one! i made a vlog on live stream: http://www.livestream.com/wizardlydiaries/video?clipId=pla_2a65f6fd-5266-4b7f-86a3-916c14b794f6&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb
It is definitely not short the vlog is about 31 minutes. In my vlog i talk about some of the bosses in miorr lake, boss cheats, how i messed up my deck, brief story of Zafaria summery and ow much health the bosses have.
See you in the spiral!
-Elijah LightThief
It is definitely not short the vlog is about 31 minutes. In my vlog i talk about some of the bosses in miorr lake, boss cheats, how i messed up my deck, brief story of Zafaria summery and ow much health the bosses have.
See you in the spiral!
-Elijah LightThief
Gratz on your first Vlog post! :D it was very cool.