Hi every one! I have a new idea for my blog it is: Clothing item of the week! this is how this seiries works: i will pick the first one but evry one else can comment if you like to say which clothing item i should do next. Here it goes:
My first clothing item of the week is going to be Jacket of Withstanding. Now you may be wondering what is the stats of this jacket? well if you didn`t click on the link i will tell you. THis level 5 robe gives you 175 health, 3% universal resist, and a tower shield card! This robe is very powerful for low levels in mt opinion. Now since you have heard me talk about this robe you may be asking where can i get this robe? well i will now tell you. You can buy the jacket of Withstanding for 1200 Crowns in the robe shop in wizard city you can buy the robe from victor darkwood. The only place that i know of that drops this robe is lord night shade in the haunted cave off Trition avenue in wizard city. I personally love this robe and i think you probally would too for your lower level wizards. Well thats all i have for now.
See you in the spiral!
-Elijah LightThief